Weight Loss and Muscle Tone: Diet, Exercise, and Supplements

The best way to burn fat fast, lose weight, and tone your muscles is to eat right and exercise daily. However there are also many supplements that may help you reach your goals. Combining these three factors can help you reach your goals to burn fat, lose weight, and tone your muscles...fast.

How To Lose Weight and Tone Your Muscles

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Interval Training: Burns Belly Fat and Helps You Get Back In Shape Fast

I would next like to say some things about interval training. This is probably my favorite method of training to burn fat and lose weight fast. Not to mention it will help you get in much better shape so you don't tire as easily during other exercise. First I'll explain what it is and then I'll give a couple sample routines that I like to do. One will be more strictly cardio training and the other will include weights in case you would like to tone your muscles more as well as burning fat. Interval training requires a period of high intensity exercise followed by a low intensity "rest" period. High intensity meaning as high intensity as possible, such as a full out sprint for a short period. For low intensity cardio, generally only slow down, but don't completely stop, such as a slow jog or walk but don't stop entirely. With weights, you may take a break altogether during the low intensity period. The high intensity:low intensity time period ratio should be about 1:3. In other words, for a 15 second sprint you should jog slowly or walk for the next 45 seconds before repeating the high intensity interval. Ok, now for some sample exercises and routines.

You may want to use a track:
Sprint for 15 seconds
Rest for 45 seconds
Repeat 4-5 times

As many pull-ups or pushups you can do in 20 seconds
Rest for 60 seconds
Repeat 3-4 times

Really, it's that simple! As you get better you can increase the time for each exercise or the number of times you repeat the exercise. Just remember to increase the low intensity time accordingly. Furthermore, this sort of training can be applied to nearly any exercise such as swimming, bicycling, bench press, arm curls, etc. Ever since I learned about this sort of training I have been using it to burn fat, lose weight, and get back in shape quick. It's a great method and I highly recommend it. You may also want to combine it with healthy foods and maybe even supplements such as the acai berry I talked about in one of my previous posts. This will give you even better results!

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