Weight Loss and Muscle Tone: Diet, Exercise, and Supplements

The best way to burn fat fast, lose weight, and tone your muscles is to eat right and exercise daily. However there are also many supplements that may help you reach your goals. Combining these three factors can help you reach your goals to burn fat, lose weight, and tone your muscles...fast.

How To Lose Weight and Tone Your Muscles

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trail Mix: A Great Fat Burning Weight Loss Snack

Trail mix is a fantastic snack to substitute into your daily routine to help burn fat and lose weight. Pretty much any sort of trail mix makes a great snack in the middle of the day. You can either choose a store bought brand or easily make your own the way you like it. My favorites generally contain just nuts, raisins, and M&M's or chocolate candy. However, I sometimes like to get a bag with nuts, sunflower seeds, and a bunch of different types of dried fruit for flavor.

So what makes trail mix a great snack? Well, the variety of nutritional value from all the different ingredients. Not to mention it's great for a midday snack to give you an energy boost without a crash before your next meal. Also, if you are a chocolate lover like me, then a trail mix with chocolate pieces in it is a great way to satisfy that craving without over-indulging. The best part is that the chocolate help with more than just adding a sweet flavor. In fact, it provides you with a quick energy boost from the sugar. However, there is no crash to follow since it is not a significant amount of sugar and the nuts and/or sunflower seeds provide the protein necessary to keep your energy levels up! Alternatively, trail mixes with several different kinds of fruits and nuts will also provide the same energy boost along with the lasting energy from the nuts. Furthermore, the different types of fruit will provide you with more nutrients, such as potassium, than the chocolate would, but either type is much better for burning fat and losing weight than just a candy bar for a snack.

It's really easy to find a bag of trail mix that satisfies your cravings while providing you with lasting energy and healthy nutrients. Just make sure it doesn't contain too many of the unhealthy sweets. Generally, don't grab a bag that contains more than one type of chocolate pieces or similar sugary sweets. Or, if you don't like any of the kinds you see in stores, feel free to make your own! Just buy a few of your favorite kinds of nuts, dried fruits, and small amount of chocolate pieces and mix them all together in a plastic bag. So instead of grabbing a candy bar to munch on, grab a handful of trail mix with fruit, nuts, and chocolate candy pieces in it. That way you will still be getting the sugary sweetness you're craving, but in smaller amounts and with much more of the healthy nutrients you need to help you burn fat and lose weight.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Nitric Oxide: My Favorite Fat Burning/Weight Loss Workout Supplement

Nitric Oxide would have to be my favorite supplement to use when I'm at the gym to help me burn fat, lose weight, and definitely tone my muscles. I was told about it by a friend a couple years ago and decided to look into it. I decided to try the same supplement that my friend was using. Of course I read up on it before I actually bought it.

Nitric Oxide supplements increase bloodflow and help to expand the blood vessels. This helps to transport more oxygen to muscles and organs, especially helpful during exercise. This helps to exercise for longer periods of time and lift more weights, if you are looking to build a bit of muscle as well. And simply, if you are able to exercise for longer without getting tired you will be able to burn more fat and lose weight faster!

So anyway, I decided to get this supplement and give it a try. I started taking it as directed. When I first took it I felt a bit of a tingling feeling, but the label said that this was sometimes the case due to the increase bloodflow and nutrients (a niacin rush or something). Anyway, I just went with my normal workout routine at the time, which was a weight lifting routine. My first set through I noticed that I could do more repetitions than usual and needed to increase the weight for the next set! I couldn't believe it, I felt more energetic than ever and was really looking forward to using it again the next workout! Until this day I would have to say that nitric oxide has been and is my favorite supplement in helping me to burn fat and lose weight. I would recommend it to pretty much anyone who is willing to try supplements for their workouts. Or if you're not willing to try something like this then I would also recommend checking out the acai berry that I also like.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleep and Water: The Easiest Ways To Help Burn Fat and Lose Weight

The title should pretty much explain this one. Two of the healthiest and easiest things you can do for your body is to drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. The most common numbers I hear are ten 8oz glasses of water a day and between 6 and 9 hours of sleep each night to help you burn fat, lose weight, and tone your muscles.

Drinking enough water should help you feel full for longer. That means you are less like to eat as much and will take in fewer calories each day. Furthermore, drinking enough water helps to keep your metabolism working for longer and therefore burn more fat and help lose weight. It's a fairly simple task and yet many people tend to overlook it in their daily routine. Keeping hydrated could also help keep energy levels up as the day wears on.

Second, sleep plays an important factor in helping to burn fat, lose weight, and simply live a healthier lifestyle. Everyone should aim for somewhere between 6 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Too much sleep is bad for your body since you remain in a relatively dormant state for a longer time than necessary. Yet, less than 6 hours is generally not enough to let your body recover and replenish energy levels from the day.

On a slightly different note, it's not the best idea to eat right before going to sleep. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down. In other words, energy taken in right before going to sleep is less likely to be used. Also, eating right before bed can result in some acid reflux symptoms. So if you would like to burn fat and lose weight, ten 8oz glasses of water a day, 6 to 9 hours of sleep each night, and no snacks just before going to sleep will help.