Weight Loss and Muscle Tone: Diet, Exercise, and Supplements

The best way to burn fat fast, lose weight, and tone your muscles is to eat right and exercise daily. However there are also many supplements that may help you reach your goals. Combining these three factors can help you reach your goals to burn fat, lose weight, and tone your muscles...fast.

How To Lose Weight and Tone Your Muscles

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Acai Berry: Can It Help You Lose Weight And Get More Toned Muscles?

The acai berry is a product/supplement that recently has been increasing in use and popularity for fat burning and weight loss. Like many other people, when I first read about it I thought it was too good to be true. A simple berry supplement that could help me burn fat, lose weight and get a toned/ripped body? Truth is...yea, like all new and old "miracle supplements," it is too good be true. I see the same type of marketing in many many different places. Some new, rising product that will burn fat and make you lose weight in no time at all...and look just like the people in the pictures do. Yea...right...and in only a few weeks?

The truth about these supplements, including the acai berry? They most likely won't give you your dream body (in no time at all) simply by taking them as directed. So then how did the people in the pictures lose weight and get their lean, toned bodies? Exercise and/or diet. I say "or" because, like myself, your diet may not be the best, but exercising the right may do the trick (depending on how soon you want your new body). But I'll get back to that.

Don't get me wrong! Many of these supplements, including the acai berry, can be quite helpful in burning fat and reaching your personal weight loss goals. And I don't disbelieve that the people in the pictures used the supplements they are showing off for. However the keyword is "supplement." That's right, they work best if you use them along with another method of weight loss or muscle toning. This goes for the acai berry as well.

The acai berry comes from Brazil, is revered a superfood for its nutritional value, and has been grown and utilized by the natives for a long time. I've read many places about it's great antioxidant prowess and effect in aiding weight loss among many other things. I don't know the specifics about acai, I'm just saying what I found. Acai berry supplements can be found in the form of drinks, powders, or pills. So far I have tried two different drinks. One was a pure organic acai berry drink that I found at the local GNC (I can't recall the name of it but I'll post it if I see it there again). The second one is a mixed blend of acai and other berry extracts. It's called AcaiSplash. First off, I liked the taste of both of them. Even though the serving size is only 1 ounce, I preferred to take it by itself rather than mixing it with another fruit drink or blending it into a smoothie.

Now for the effects. Both acai berry drinks seemed to be rather helpful in losing weight and gaining toned muscles. After a couple of weeks using the AcaiSplash (along with exercise of course) I began to notice a bit more muscle definition. I really like what the acai berry has done for me so far and will most likely continue to use it as long as I'm still interested in burning fat, losing weight, and toning my muscles.

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